Need a compass?

My compass for life

Swathi Mohan
3 min readJul 29, 2020
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In which aspect should I go North, in which aspect should I go South? If I need to go North, what is the longitude upto which I should go?

Whether it is mid-life crisis, or some sort of feeling that you are lost, you don’t know what you want, you feel like you dont have a purpose , the feeling of not having accomplished anything, bored with self, I had experienced it way too much before I decided to do something about it to stop feeling that way once and for all.

You can be happily married, have wonderful kids, have a great family , a decent career , still feel you lack of purpose.

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I was too fed up with how I was feeling. Every new year, every birthday it is the same sinking feeling , that I am growing older and what have I achieved?

I thought to myself, it is time I took myself seriously. I decided to ‘Design my compass for life’

I broadly listed the different areas in which I wanted to excel.This included

  1. Health
  2. Passion
  3. Know my genius
  4. Finances
  5. Parenting
  6. Wellness
  7. Self development
  8. Family

Then I spent some time on each category and came up with specific things I wanted to achieve in that category. For instance in self development I had reading as one of my specific target areas, in wellness I had happiness, free from aches and so on.

Next step was the most challenging one. How do I measure the outcomes? Because I knew :

“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it” -Lord Kelvin.

I translated my goals into specific actions I need to take everyday in order to achieve the ultimate goal. For instance in reading , my specific action was to spend 30 minutes on reading everyday. In happiness I had set aside 5 minutes for meditation . Because I know if I don’t work on it a little bit everyday , there is no way I will achieve the bigger goals.

Image edited. Original Image source: Wikimedia

What better way to use my Excel skills than for my own self ! I made a chart , I would now like to call ‘My Compass’.

Here is a snapshot of it:

I made similar charts for each goal . Also used conditional formatting and formulas to make the updating easier. Every day , my first ever task is to update this. It doesnt take more than 5 minutes, not too much to ask for considering the benefits.

Not that I have achieved a whole lot of things, but at least I know I am on the right track with ‘My Compass’ directing me .

I might not be running, I might not be walking either, but I know I am moving.

You also need to find a trusted friend to review the progress every week to recognize the loopholes and give a pat on your back when you are doing good.

Next time you feel lost, feel free to borrow ‘My Compass’ 🙂



Swathi Mohan

I write about lean manufacturing, the legendary Toyota way of doing things, parenting and personal development.