If you cannot run, then walk. If you cannot get your dream job, start by getting noticed.

Swathi Mohan
2 min readJan 29, 2021
Picture source: ebay.ca

Imagine you are applying to a dream job at a dream company . The fact that it is a dream company , says that it should be pretty well known . If it is well known, it will certainly be a dream company for many other applicants like you . So how do you stand out?

This is how I stood out. Well I didn't stand outside in this Canadian winter , but you know what I mean 😉

I used the cover letter as an effective means to communicate with the recruiter. I always try to understand the pulse of the company before I communicate with them. For instance, if the biggest value of the company is creativity, I ensure my cover letter reflects how creative I am .

This is an example:

The company vision vaguely mentioned about the importance of ‘going places’ . Also this was a manufacturing company focussed on automotives.

I said “ Hop on for a ride with me and let's go places” and attached this image.

I mentioned how and what I accomplished at each ‘pit stop’ of my career .

Yes I did not get the job, but I managed to get noticed. The usual hiring procedure is that the recruiting team only contacts the applicants who are selected. I got an email of appreciation from the recruiter of my dream company! I told myself if I try there is a chance that I succeed, if I dont try there is 100% chance that I fail.

I am still walking. Would you like to go for a run with me?



Swathi Mohan

I write about lean manufacturing, the legendary Toyota way of doing things, parenting and personal development.